Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sanctuary, Sanctuary

Our world has become barbaric. A place that is supposed to be a refuge has become a war zone. Outsiders have lived a life of fear rather than a life of faith, so they enter into a sanctuary and take life because they fear those on the inside. It has happened in America in our churches and Jewish synagogues and in Mosques around the world. We throw blame on those in leadership, but let’s be honest. We are all to blame for not showing love to others.

In the story, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, it is very clear that the church is a sanctuary, a place of refuge, a place in which anyone can run to be safe from physical harm or ridicule for their beliefs, physical appearance, or choices in life. We have taken that refuge and made it a place where we ridicule, judge, and demand that people live, look, and speak a certain way and there is no place of refuge. Then, with those beliefs, we are shocked when someone takes those actions and harms others that meet in a place of refuge that is different from our beliefs.

A sanctuary is a place that we can all seek refuge. We need to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to convict people to come to Jesus. We need to remember that in a place of refuge, people are scared at first and need time to heal. In a sanctuary, the peace will lead someone to Jesus, not the wrath of anyone.

The last words of Jesus tell us to go. We are to go into all the world and make disciples. Do we even notice that it took Jesus three years to convince his disciples that he was the true Messiah that conquered death?  We must realize that it will take time for people to come to Jesus. With the love of Jesus, and believing that he is all powerful, we can bring His message to all, as we make our churches sanctuaries. May we pray for those whose places of refuge are not safe and peaceful. May we be the ones to bring peace.

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