No Words
I have tried for the past two days to put into words the
senseless tragedy that occurred in Santa Fe, Texas. I can’t.
Every time I start, I get stuck. The
last time I posted something about it on social media, two people fought on my
Facebook newsfeed, while I sat in the movie theater. When I got out of the
movie theater, I was horrified. I do not
live on the Internet, not even on the weekends.
Maybe our problem is that we all live in a “pretend”
world. In our “pretend” world life is
perfect. Everyone loves us. No one is mean. What we say in real life and on the Internet
is truth and everyone who hears it agrees with it. Our relationships are perfect with absolutely
no conflict. We do no wrong in our
“pretend” world because everyone else is to blame for everything going wrong in
our world. The problem is our “pretend”
world does not exist.
We have to stop playing “make believe” and begin to find
solutions. We have to stop speaking and
begin listening to others. We need to
act and act quickly. We have to stop
blaming everyone else for what has happened in our lives and the lives of those
in our community around us. We must take
responsibility for our actins and move forward.
I don’t want to hear how wrong the political party you hate
is. (That word is strong, but the things I’ve read on the Internet and heard in
real life compile into one word—hate.) I don’t want to hear how perfect the
world was fifty years ago. I’m living
now and I’m in a school now. I don’t
want to hear your theories. I want it to
I don’t have the words to end it. We could have security like they do at the airports,
because if you notice, no planes have flown into buildings since 9/11 in
America, but people will probably tell me how stupid I am for that idea. I don’t know.
I do know that we need to start to love others. Real love.
We need to sacrifice. Everyone
needs to be kind. Don’t say, “Stop
bullying.” You are the ones who bully
who say that. (Yep, I’ve read all your
posts too.)
I agree with the pastor at the Royal Wedding. His message may not have been just for Prince
Harry and Princess Meghan. I think his message was for America, since he shared
it the day after the shooting. Ironic or
the Holy Spirit? “Love. Love is the only answer. Love God.
Love others. And while you’re at
it, love yourself.” That is the only
answer I have. Learn to love. Love is patient. Love is kind.
Love does not keep a record of wrongs.
Be careful what you say on the Internet.
Is it love? Is it kind? Is it patient? Are you counting the wrongs of others?
Show love. Show love
to your enemies. Show love to your
family. Show love to those who have
wronged you. Show love to that political
party that you detest. If we give love,
we get in return. God is love. Let’s show the world God with our love.
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