Fixing the Church
This weekend we celebrate those who sacrificed everything so
that we can have the freedoms we do in this country. I think that those men and women should serve
as an example to all of us. They see a
problem, and they fix it. The men and
women of our military get their hands dirty.
They struggle with limited resources and, limited personnel, but they
get the job done. Most of them go unnoticed and are not praised
for what they do, but are criticized. We can learn from them. In my journey overcoming the wounds the
church inflicted upon me, I discovered that I had to be the person who can help
the situation.
There are flaws in the church. I know.
I have been a faithful member to the church for over forty years, and I
worked full time on staff in the church in youth ministry for sixteen of those years. Seven years after I left youth ministry, I
started writing about my experiences in the church and how I was overcoming the
hurt the church committed against me. The writing turned into a whole book, but I
did more. I sought out those who the
church has inflicted wounds and begin to encourage them.
It’s not easy to step into church when you only thought that
the people in the church would criticize your every word and act. It’s easier to sleep on Sundays and choose to
worship God by yourself. God didn’t call
us to easy. It isn’t easy for anyone to
sacrifice their lives for us, but that’s what our military members do every day
and it’s what Jesus has already done. It’s
not comfortable to walk into church when you believe everyone can see your cuts
and bruises, but I had to begin to seek out the people who would heal those
hurts and avoid those who would hit. It takes
time, but anything worthwhile in life takes time.
If you think the church needs to do more for a certain group
of people, then by all means, get into a church and do it. There are churches
all over the world making a difference.
You don’t hear about them because they are too busy working. When
we get in the midst of a situation, we see life differently. We just see what is happening and we don’t
have time to see what others believe is wrong.
Those who made a significant contribution to the world and
made serious differences stepped up and began doing the job. They didn’t always have all the resources or
the most talented personnel, but they had passion and a work ethic.
Start today. Do
something to make the world a better place for all of us who live here. Anyone can run away and become angry and
bitter. It takes a person with strength,
faith, and wisdom to begin to make the difference.
The church needs those who have experienced pain and have
begun to overcome their pain. You’ll be surprised. Maybe just saying the one small thing to
someone is all they need to hear, and the world just may begin spinning in a
new direction. It’s what has won
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