Sunday, May 27, 2018

Fixing the Church

Fixing the Church

This weekend we celebrate those who sacrificed everything so that we can have the freedoms we do in this country.  I think that those men and women should serve as an example to all of us.  They see a problem, and they fix it.  The men and women of our military get their hands dirty.  They struggle with limited resources and, limited personnel, but they get the job done.   Most of them go unnoticed and are not praised for what they do, but are criticized. We can learn from them.  In my journey overcoming the wounds the church inflicted upon me, I discovered that I had to be the person who can help the situation. 

There are flaws in the church.  I know.  I have been a faithful member to the church for over forty years, and I worked full time on staff in the church in youth ministry for sixteen of those years.  Seven years after I left youth ministry, I started writing about my experiences in the church and how I was overcoming the hurt the church committed against me.  The writing turned into a whole book, but I did more.  I sought out those who the church has inflicted wounds and begin to encourage them.

It’s not easy to step into church when you only thought that the people in the church would criticize your every word and act.  It’s easier to sleep on Sundays and choose to worship God by yourself.  God didn’t call us to easy.  It isn’t easy for anyone to sacrifice their lives for us, but that’s what our military members do every day and it’s what Jesus has already done.  It’s not comfortable to walk into church when you believe everyone can see your cuts and bruises, but I had to begin to seek out the people who would heal those hurts and avoid those who would hit.  It takes time, but anything worthwhile in life takes time.

If you think the church needs to do more for a certain group of people, then by all means, get into a church and do it. There are churches all over the world making a difference.  You don’t hear about them because they are too busy working.    When we get in the midst of a situation, we see life differently.  We just see what is happening and we don’t have time to see what others believe is wrong. 

Those who made a significant contribution to the world and made serious differences stepped up and began doing the job.  They didn’t always have all the resources or the most talented personnel, but they had passion and a work ethic.
Start today.  Do something to make the world a better place for all of us who live here.  Anyone can run away and become angry and bitter.  It takes a person with strength, faith, and wisdom to begin to make the difference. 

The church needs those who have experienced pain and have begun to overcome their pain. You’ll be surprised.  Maybe just saying the one small thing to someone is all they need to hear, and the world just may begin spinning in a new direction.  It’s what has won wars. 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

No Words

No Words

I have tried for the past two days to put into words the senseless tragedy that occurred in Santa Fe, Texas.  I can’t.  Every time I start, I get stuck.  The last time I posted something about it on social media, two people fought on my Facebook newsfeed, while I sat in the movie theater. When I got out of the movie theater, I was horrified.  I do not live on the Internet, not even on the weekends. 

Maybe our problem is that we all live in a “pretend” world.  In our “pretend” world life is perfect.  Everyone loves us.  No one is mean.  What we say in real life and on the Internet is truth and everyone who hears it agrees with it.  Our relationships are perfect with absolutely no conflict.  We do no wrong in our “pretend” world because everyone else is to blame for everything going wrong in our world.  The problem is our “pretend” world does not exist.

We have to stop playing “make believe” and begin to find solutions.  We have to stop speaking and begin listening to others.  We need to act and act quickly.  We have to stop blaming everyone else for what has happened in our lives and the lives of those in our community around us.  We must take responsibility for our actins and move forward. 

I don’t want to hear how wrong the political party you hate is. (That word is strong, but the things I’ve read on the Internet and heard in real life compile into one word—hate.) I don’t want to hear how perfect the world was fifty years ago.  I’m living now and I’m in a school now.  I don’t want to hear your theories.  I want it to end.

I don’t have the words to end it.  We could have security like they do at the airports, because if you notice, no planes have flown into buildings since 9/11 in America, but people will probably tell me how stupid I am for that idea.  I don’t know.  I do know that we need to start to love others.  Real love.  We need to sacrifice.  Everyone needs to be kind.  Don’t say, “Stop bullying.”  You are the ones who bully who say that.  (Yep, I’ve read all your posts too.)

I agree with the pastor at the Royal Wedding.  His message may not have been just for Prince Harry and Princess Meghan. I think his message was for America, since he shared it the day after the shooting.  Ironic or the Holy Spirit?  “Love.  Love is the only answer.  Love God.  Love others.  And while you’re at it, love yourself.”  That is the only answer I have.  Learn to love.  Love is patient.  Love is kind.  Love does not keep a record of wrongs.  Be careful what you say on the Internet.  Is it love?  Is it kind?  Is it patient?  Are you counting the wrongs of others?  

Show love.  Show love to your enemies.  Show love to your family.  Show love to those who have wronged you.  Show love to that political party that you detest.  If we give love, we get in return.  God is love.  Let’s show the world God with our love.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day

The celebration of one day a year started in 1910 when one daughter wanted to honor mothers in memory of all that her mother did for those in the Civil War who tended to wounded soldiers.  In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made it a National holiday on the second Sunday of every May. 

The original intent of Mother’s Day was for families to attend church, and give mothers a carnation (Jarvis’s mother’s favorite flower).  Red or pink carnations went to living mothers and white carnations to those whose mothers had passed away.  Then after church, the sons and daughters were to write letters to their mothers with their appreciation for her.  Jarvis became angry when the card companies and flower industry turned the holiday in one of the most lucrative holidays for cards and flowers.  She wanted the letters to be written with authenticity, not a gooey sentiment on a card.

Her anger made me think.  My mom is not a fan of cards and flowers.  Give to her what she wants, candy and yarn (Jo Ann’s gift cards suffice the second one.), but like most mothers, she cherishes time.  I am fortunate to spend time with my mother daily, and to be able to communicate honestly with her.

Time.  Time is precious, yet so many of us do not take advantage of it (Myself included).  For some people there is no more time to spend with their mothers on earth, but they do have memories of her.  For some people, their mothers were not the best.  The time spent with their mothers was unbearable, but they can spend time with women who have become surrogate mothers and start a new time to be better people with others. 

So, while I don’t know how much time I have on earth, I do know that I have to use my time wisely.  I can pray for my mom, mothers who may be struggling, and new mothers who cannot find which way is up anymore.  I can use the personality traits and best parts of my mom and inject them into my time daily and become a better person.

 I may not be a mom, but I can be a person who spends time listening to moms and their stories.  Let’s make Mother’s Day about Moms again.  Let’s spend time with women who are Moms and allow them to grow and become better as they build the next generation.  It will be time well spent.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Good Enough is NOT Enough

Good Enough is Not Enough

Some of my students have fallen under a category that their work is “good enough.”  They have yet to realize that good enough is not enough.  Enough means you did the required elements; therefore, it is not good.  It is required and becomes mediocre.  Doing life with excellence means you are becoming a change agent in the world with everything you do.

At my church’s location half of the congregation comes early to serve and set-up for the day of worship.  When we serve, we meet people, make friends, and have fun.  When I serve, my worries and concerns of the week are forgotten for a couple of hours and it helps me concentrate on the Word that is being spoken.  The really cool part is that people come five hours before the service to set-up because everything must be done with excellence. 

There are seasons when I don’t serve at church because my job of teaching has me serving extra hours.  I have to teach students to do everything with excellence.  That’s what serving is.  It is doing work with excellence.  Good enough is not enough. 

Good enough is doing just what is required.  Did Jesus just do what was “good enough”?  Or, did he go beyond what was expected and did amazing miracles, including bringing the dead back to life.  For Jesus, “good enough,” was not part of his mantra.  He did his ministry with excellence.  It may be why so many of his followers were amazed at what he did.

As I drive into work, I drive by several homeless encampments.  Our state of California that has great economy, is failing with our homeless population.  I’m not blaming anyone, because in politics all the yelling results in inaction.  I am however, noticing that it is because what we have done was “good enough.”  It’s not enough.  It never was.  We must serve our poor and downtrodden with excellence. 

Serving with your whole heart takes a strong attitude, a good heart and striving for better results.  It also clears your head, and makes you stronger emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.  As in the words of Joshua, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  Joshua 24:15 Since Jesus served us with excellence, I have come to realize that serving the Lord deserves so much more than “good enough.”