Sunday, October 3, 2021

It's Fall! Time for Old Habits to Drop and New Habits to Form!

 As we enter the month of October, we realize that summer is completely over, and fall is upon us. We have pumpkins and pumpkin spiced foods all through the grocery store. We have football games with homecomings, and baseball games that are now in the playoff mode. In parts of America, the leaves on trees are changing colors and the weather is getting cooler. As we see the beginning of some events and the ending of others, we are reminded in fall that life has changes, and the only way to change, is to let go of those habits that hold us back from doing what we are called to do. 

We need to let go of habits that do not create in us a life that is fulfilling and wastes time. We all have those habits. They are not sinful or horrible, they are just time wasters. They are different for everyone. For some, they are scrolling through social media, for others they are playing games on the computer or video games, for others it is television or streaming. There are many other time wasters, and even if it is not on the list, we all have habits that waste time. Habits that waste our time and take us away from living a purposeful and fulfilled life will always hold us back, and we will not be able to move forward, so like leaves that fall to the ground, we just fall to the ground with our dreams and goals, and they die. We must use our time wisely and take back our dreams and goals so that they will stay alive. 

We need to let go of habits that we have developed with an attitude of complaining. I am guilty just as much as anyone to complain. I realize when I am doing it and that no one wants to hear it all the time. Complaining about events in life that we cannot change, keeps us sicker emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and sometimes even physically. We must be grateful for what we have, and not focus on what we do not have. We cannot control what the government does or does not do, but we can control our actions and attitudes toward people that we see every day. 

It’s not just in politics in which we find complaining, but in the church too. I have never been to a church where I have not heard people complain. They complain about the leaders, the times of services, and any type of change. (My home church had arguments of the color of the carpet. The final decision was two variations of gold, and yes, it was ugly.) Complaining never fixes or changes anything. In fact, complaining creates division. It severs relationships. It’s hard to be grateful when there are issues that we want to fix, but we must not only be grateful, but to pray and encourage our spiritual leaders so that they will make better decisions, and we need to compliment more and complain less. 

We need to drop the habit of insulting people. Scroll through any social media site and it is full of insults. When did we decide that insulting people will force them to change their view on life? It won’t. It only creates anger and enemies from those who used to be friends. People forget that people behind screens are real human beings with all the emotions that humans have. We all have struggles, and many people do not share all their struggles on social media. We all need to create the habit of kindness, so that more people can have hope and work toward their dreams and goals. 

It is fall. In this season, a baseball team will be crowned the World Series Champions. In this season, college football games will determine who is going to the playoffs, and the NFL will have its real league and fantasy league. It is fall, and with this season, it is time that we let go of habits that destroy us, and develop new habits of encouragement, time fulfillment, and kindness. With those new habits, the winter season will be much better. 

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