Sunday, December 1, 2019


It is the season for which we are all scrambling around trying to purchase the perfect gift for our loved ones. For some people, it’s fun. For others, it is stressful and hectic, as they do not have the funds to be able to purchase what they desire to give to show the love and appreciation to the people they cherish the most. Tuesday is the day of giving. It’s a day that we are reminded to give of our resources to those who don’t have as much as we do. I would like to think of giving gifts in a different way. I believe that many of us, especially in the church, have lost our desire to give the gifts that are the ones that can actually impact the people around us and make a difference in the world. They are the gifts God has given us.

We all have gifts and talents. Some people do not realize what their gifts and talents are until later in life. Many of us do not use them because we have believed the lie that they are not valuable. Unfortunately, when we do not value our own gifts and talents, we begin to work and serve in areas that do not honor your gifts, and we become envious of those who are using their gifts and impacting the world.

No gift is too small. Paul talks about the distribution of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12. He states that the parts of the body that no one sees are the most important. He uses the metaphor of the physical body to the body of Christ. The parts that work that no one sees are the most important parts. Every part is needed. Our world needs us to use our gifts. No matter how great or small your gift seems to you, someone is appreciative of it when you use it.

Love is the most important gift. Paul follows 1 Corinthians 12 that we must be eager to go after the most important gift, love. When we use our gifts for God, we are revealing our love for God. Our world needs the love of God. Imagine if we all would use the gifts God has given us how many more people would see the love of God. God gave us our gifts. We need to be grateful for what God has given us because He wants us to use the gift He gave us in big ways. If we are not using the gift at all, then how do we know how it can be used in a big way to impact the world?

Giving is not just about material items. It’s about giving part of who we are. The best gift we can give others is our talents that bring relief or guidance or joy to others. When we withhold them because of lack of confidence, we are being stingy. It has taken me years to comprehend that. Let’s take this month and make it a month of giving. A month of giving the gifts and talents we have. You never know who may be impacted and the impact that will evolve from one small gift.

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