Sunday, December 29, 2019

20/20 Vision

As the year comes to a close, we all get to look back on the year and reminisce of what happened that was life changing, both good and bad. Every year starts with new hope to have a fresh start. As the year progresses, most of us experience the good, bad, and the ugly for an entire year. We can’t relive the past, but we can learn from it, and we must use that knowledge to push forward in the future. That’s what this trip to Cincinnati taught me.

My Alma Mater, Cincinnati Christian University (Cincinnati Bible College) has closed its doors as of December 20, 2019. As I walked around my campus on my first day here this weekend and took photos, all I could think of was how much that university poured into my life. Every place has its flaws. I had my own failures and failed relationships, but I tried to learn and am still learning from them. As I walked, I could not help but to keep saying, “Why didn’t they ask for help?” Whether it was financially, or advice with extra curricular activities, I wish they had asked for help from all kinds of people and institutions. Pride leads to a fall.

Then, I thought of how many tangled up situations I find myself and wonder why I didn’t ask for help. I have plenty of resources to seek to ask for help, and yet many times my pride keeps me from asking. This next year, I’m learning from my past and I will seek help and advice from all kinds of people and institutions in order to keep growing because pride leads to a fall.

This last summer, I visited my hometown, Daytona Beach, Florida. Although I am now a tourist there, I reflected on my life growing up in that little city. So much has changed in my hometown. My high school is gone and a new building takes its place with a statue honoring the man who gave money to rebuild it, the NBA star, Vince Carter. The town grew up with new stores and restaurants. I grew up too.

When I lived in Florida, I chose to believe the lies that others said about me and to me. I chose to listen to the wrong voices giving me bad advice and had to remember the right voices many years later. I blamed other people for my bad choices. I will take with me in the future to listen to the right voices when I seek the help and advice. I will not live with rules and regulations, but with a freedom that Christ gives me in my life.

As sad as it is that my college has closed, it’s refreshing to know that many of my college friends are still walking with Jesus and leading others to Him.  Christianity is not dying. It’s growing and with growth comes change. Those of us who use a 20/20 vision will be able to lead the people who live in our current generation to Jesus. We will have learned from our past to push forward into the future.

Whatever this year, 2019, has thrown at you, looking back and being reflective gives direction for both the good and the bad. So much has happened in one year. I know that a decade is passing. I’m choosing to take one moment at a time. I can look back at the past and reflect to grow and be present with wisdom and bring that into the future to make the world a better place. I hope we all choose to reflect and then use that reflection for growth and change. I hope we can step into the future with humility and wisdom. May the reflection of the past give us 20/20 vision for the present and the future.

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