Sunday, September 30, 2018

Be Kind and ACT!

With the judiciary committee hearings this last week, I discovered that many people are disgruntled, mean, unwilling to listen, and uncaring.  Whether they are Christians or not, many have fallen into this category.  I was not at that party thirty some years ago because not only did I not live in that community, but I was never invited to those parties.  So, I will keep my opinion to myself.  I want to look at the behavior of us.  Those of us who were viewers.  Those of us who are dividing this country.  Those of us who are sinners.  We have to stop.  We must unite.  Those of us who are Christians, we have the answer to the truth and the light, and yet we hide it because our opinions and thoughts are more important. 

We must listen to one another.  I was told to not think of what I’m going to say next when someone is speaking, but to genuinely listen to their point of view.  I get it.  I argue and I fight all wrong because I feel that my voice is not always heard, so I use words that will punch someone in the throat.  It’s why I started writing.  I write.  I delete. Answers to deep questions do not come within seconds in a few words on social media.  They take time.  There are times when I am just silent.  When we listen with depth, we think about what someone else has said, and we see life from their point of view before we answer.  Listening is a skill that puts the other person’s need above my own. 

Putting other people’s needs above my own needs means I live by the words of Thumper.  “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”  Why did Disney put that into the movie, Bambi?  Was he only speaking to children?  I think he was speaking to all of us.  I have seen hurtful words in many posts.  You will not win anyone over in your argument with hurtful words.  Both parties are full of imperfect people who are sinners; therefore, saying that one party is stupid and the other party is perfect is not right nor helpful.

We all have sinned.  We all have done wrong.  I’m so tired of people treating one party like they are gods and the other one like they are Satan’s spawn.  It’s depressing.  It’s wearisome.  We are all in need of a Savior.  Only Jesus is perfect.  I follow Him and Him only.  I know some people do not believe Jesus exists.  That’s fine.  It’s still true that there is evil in the world and we all have done something wrong in our lives.

We need to stop our fighting.  This country loves to fight.  Maybe it’s because we started with a war from England.  Maybe it’s to prove that we are right because no one listens to us.  Whatever the reason, we need to stop fighting.  What a boring world it would be if we all believed the same and thought the same thoughts.  I love people who think differently than me.  They challenge me.  People who agree with me are awesome too.  They challenge me to continue with my pursuits in life. 

In the end, what are we really accomplishing with all of our fights? Nothing, and that is what many people want to accomplish.  They do not want to do anything, so they fight and argue on social media in order to avoid working and becoming part of the solution, and they want you to join in on their apathy.   I’ve said this before because I’m working in the mud every day.  Go DO something.  I don’t have time to get into all of the arguments, especially this last week with my grades due on Friday. 

There are so many things in our country that need to get done.  I could use some young good tutors in South Central Los Angeles.  If the public schools refuse to do their job, then the community needs to step up and do it.  in Los Angeles, our streets are littered with trash.  We could gather to start picking up trash.  There could also be a contingent of people going to our beaches to do some cleaning.  If we care about the environment, then let’s do something.  If we care about our young people, let’s teach them.  Homeless shelters all around our country could use some extra help.  If we care about the poor, then let’s help them.  We could also include Habitat for Humanity for caring about the poor.  Do we care about victims of abuse?  Then volunteer at abuse shelters.  Do we care about people who are on drugs or alcohol?  Then volunteer at rehabilitation hospitals.  Once we start doing, we stop talking.  We stop fighting.  We stop because we started something good.  The only way to stop arguing is to go live life.  Let us show the government, all of it, that we will do their jobs since they want to talk and argue.    

There came a time in my life a few years ago where I had to stop blaming everyone for my life.  Even if others produced something negative in my life, it was my choice how to live. I want to show others who Jesus is.  Jesus did preach and talk, but he also served and healed.  Let us begin healing.  I am talking to myself too.  I need to volunteer with groups.  I need to step up or be quiet.  I refuse to just talk.  I need to act.  It’s in the actions that people see Jesus. 

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