Sunday, August 12, 2018

Starting Over

Every year young people to get start over with their academic careers and begin a new school year with anticipation that this year will be so much better than the year before, whether that difference is academically or socially or both.  For the last twelve years I have embarked on this renewal of a career that I once left behind, and I have discovered that I get to start over, but I get to do it every day.

As I approached this school year, I was armed with a new approach to the classroom.  I was honest in my end of the year narrative to my administrators of what I needed to do to improve as a teacher last year, and my reward was a conference in the Walt Disney Resort in Orlando, Florida.  As much fun as the location was, the conference was not just informative, but it also challenged me and changed the way I approach the classroom.  As I look at life, I may need to be attentive to events, books, friends, family, and any other medium that can guide me to have a life do over.

It all begins with recognizing habits that are not healthy, and starting with habits that are healthy. It is approaching life in a way that requires a challenge to look introspectively and discover what needs to be done in order to have a new day.  The first step is recognizing that I have flaws and I make mistakes all the time.  One habit I’m trying desperately to quit and yet struggle to do so is the habit of replaying the mistake in my head over and over again.  Some people call it negativity, but what they don’t know is that it plays over and over because so many people reminded me of my flaws and mistakes all my life, which created a habit for me to focus on my flaws.  It’s a difficult habit to break.  It’s one that I work on daily and one that can be conquered. 

The second habit is to start every day as if it is brand new, which it is. It’s like starting a new school year with a blank notebook and anticipation that this year will be great.  God gives us all a new day every day.  He wants us to approach each day with newness and to continue his work every day.  God has given us the new. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!”  With a fresh start in Christ, I get to be new every day and allow the past to pass away. 

No matter what happens in life, there is a new day.  Each new day comes with new ideas and promises.  As the start of the school year begins, I must remember to start each day with the new idea that I can make a difference with the gifts he has given me.  I have to let go of the past and step into the future with a notebook and create words that will inspire.   I cannot worry about those who will dislike or envy.  God doesn’t make any mistakes, but He knows we as humans do, and he has given us grace and mercy through his son.  I can strengthen my relationship with God ever day as I discover new understandings.  So, I come humbly with my supplies to start each new day and love the supplies that God gives me and brings to me.  It is then that I understand that with God there is an eraser.    

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