Sunday, August 26, 2018

Let It Go

I’ll admit it.  I love the song, “Let It Go” from the movie Frozen.  I resonate with Elsa.  People told me all my life how to respond to circumstances when inside I was angry, sad, frustrated, or even elated.  This song reminds me to let it go, but it can mean more than the story Elsa is telling.  People struggle all the time because they want to return to the “Good old days.”  Were the “Good old days” really that good?  If they were, we never would have changed anything.  There were happy times in the past.  There are happy times in the present, and the future is waiting for us to enter it with joy and enthusiasm, but we will never be able to do that if we hold on to the past.

It’s not easy to let go.  In fact, it’s one of the most difficult actions we can take.  If it were so easy, then the flippant cliché “Let Go and Let God” would not have been created.  Those clichés (Although they can be true) are just responses when we really don’t want to listen or help others. It’s more than that cliché.  If it were that easy, no one would hang on to what they hold so dear.  It takes  trust. 

Trust is hard.  It’s hard to trust what will happen in the future when we cannot see it.  It’s hard to trust that the situation at work or school will get better when it continues to get worse, or the wrong leadership is in place.  It’s hard to trust leaders in the church that make and continue to make decisions that divide rather than unite.  It’s difficult to trust when we have to let people make their own decisions in life when we are not completely sure that they will. 

Trust can be attained.   We have to let go of the control.  When we struggle to trust, we struggle with lack of control.  It’s not that we are power hungry.  It’s that we want to know what will happen with our lives and the lives of our loved ones when life begins to spin out of control.  It can be a new job, a move to another community, or a new journey in life.  We have to allow God to lead us and trust Him that with whatever decisions, God’s protection is over us.

Let go of the past.  The present needs us to live in it.  Look to the amazing possibilities of the future.  It is waiting for us to make a difference in the world.  Let go of those areas in life that are holding you back from being the absolute best that you can be.  Trust in God and allow Him to guide you into the best life that you can ever experience.  

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