In America, people have the right to go into the streets and protest for an issue in another country. We also have the right to worship how we want and who we want. We have the right to choose who we love, no matter the color, religion of the gender of the person. We live in a free country, and that creates conflict for those who do not like freedom. Our veterans have sacrificed and fought so we can maintain all of our freedoms.
We have the right to disagree, but many people on social media and in real life think that we must all agree and think the same. Freedom loses when we demand that everyone believes and thinks like us. Along with freedom being lost, we lose intelligence, tolerance, and love. Our veterans sacrifice so we can voice our opinions, beliefs, and views.
We have the right to think and believe what we understand to be the truth. We do not have the right to demand that everyone must believe and think like us. That’s oppression, not freedom. Our military does not fight and sacrifice a life living in the same space so we can demand that we lose the freedom of thought and belief, but if you look to what people are demanding, the fear is real. So, why do people make these demands?
Our military must be secure and confident human beings. Insecure people will demand that they are right. If you do not agree with their rightness, they will have a meltdown because you are demonstrating your freedom. Demanding that I believe like your belief is a form of oppression. You have the right to voice your beliefs and thoughts. I have that same freedom. Confident and secure people voice their beliefs and thoughts without demanding others believe like them, and secure people will not demean you if you do think and believe differently.
When you are confident in your beliefs and thoughts, you can stand alone with them. I am a believer in Jesus. I believe He is the Savior of the world. I believe he died and came back to life, in the physical form not just spiritual. I am not ashamed of my belief in Jesus. Your name calling will not make me waiver.
I am a Duke basketball fan. Duke basketball is the second most hated sports team in America. They are second to the New York Yankees. (Why the number one hated team is not the Houston Astros, confounds me.) You can call me all the names in the world. I will just laugh and sneer while Duke crushes their opponents, including your favorite team. You either love Duke, or you hate them. There is no in-between. People hate Duke because they are so darn good. (A quote from a YouTube channel of “Why I hate Duke.”)
People will berate you because you succeed. Other countries do not want to see America succeed. They think our success means they cannot succeed. That’s silly. I can become a famous author, and you can become the person who cures cancer. Pulling others down because you struggle does not make you great. It makes you weak.
When you focus on others, you fail, when you focus on what makes you great, you succeed. Great sports teams focus on what their team must do to win. Weak teams whine that they need better players or coaches, or even new owners. Our military understands that they cannot bow down to the other countries so they can kill them all. They also understand that they must focus on their mission and not the mission of the other side. They must remain strong and confident. Confidence makes you strong.
This Veteran’s Day, take some time to recognize your attitude toward freedom. Maybe it is time for you to allow your freedom to make the life of someone else better when you do something for them. Serve, even if no one else serves with you. Our soldiers fight sow we can have freedom. We can serve so others can have freedom too. Serve someone, like our soldiers do, and then you will ma
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