Every year at Christmas my non-Christian friends and friends who do not celebrate Christmas remind me that Christmas originated as a pagan holiday. They then question why would I celebrate it? It made me think. Why would I celebrate a former pagan holiday? Most people today do not know the origins of Christmas. They even get angry if some people greet you with a “Merry Christmas” because they do not believe in. Christ. The holiday has changed from a pagan holiday to a Christian holiday because of the early Christians who found a way to take the power away from evil and instill the power of Christ.
With the original pagan holiday, they would take the day off from work and celebrate the coming of the winter season. They would decorate their homes with lights and greenery. They would have parties with gift exchanges. Then, some would go to the temple for a human sacrifice. That last part is pure evil but wait. The entire reason Jesus came to earth was to be a human sacrifice. Comparing that pagan holiday with today’s rendition of Christmas we can see what the early Christians did.
The Christians, who were not snobs but had pagan friends, went to the house parties. At some point, they decided to change the day from evil to good. We don’t know the exact date that Jesus was born, but those Christians decided we needed to celebrate the birth of Christ. His entrance into the world changed everything. So, they took that pagan holiday, and instead of having a human sacrifice, went to the temple and worshipped Jesus who was our human sacrifice for our sins. Those Christians knew the power of Christ.
Jesus changed the world. He turned B.C. into A.D. His entrance into the world was unassuming. The only people that heard and saw the angels in heaven were the lowly shepherds. So, they went to the barn where Jesus was born. Their lives were changed forever. The Magi visited him, and they were so changed that they took a different route home to avoid Herod.
Jesus came to earth and walked in our shoes. He understands our hurts and pains. When he was on earth, he was fully God, but he was also fully human. Being fully human he understood the joys and sorrows of the human life. He left his perfect home in heaven to save us. We can celebrate his entrance so we can remind people of the love and grace that Jesus brought to earth.
Our world needs Jesus. They don’t need our expertise. They don’t need our human judgment. They need Jesus. When we celebrate Jesus this Christmas season, let us remember those who are in pain and need the love of Jesus. Some people may have lost their way with Christmas and buy too many gifts. Others may forget Jesus when they decorate, but all are reminded through the music and books that Jesus came to earth and brought peace and joy.
So, as you celebrate Christmas, recognize where you see Jesus. He is the light. He brought peace. His way into the world was the way in the manger. He brought the gift of salvation. That gift alone is worth the celebration. When Jesus came to earth, the power was taken from the evil, and the power of Jesus reigned.
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