Sunday, June 20, 2021

Do We Act and Make a Difference, or Do We Sit Back and Criticize?

For the past year and a half, the Internet has exploded with disputes over any and every subject. Some of the topics are serious and others are frivolous. No matter the topic, we have to choose. Are we going to hide behind our computer screens and criticize those who are attempting to make a difference in the world, or are we going to work with others and try to discover ways to resolve some of the issues that are hurting other people? The decision is ours to make and one that will either call us to act or do nothing. 

Whenever we take on an endeavor to make a difference in the world, there will always be critics. You know why? They don’t want the change. If it changes, it may involve them to act and not just sit back and rest on their laurels. We are living in a society that criticizes every act that people are doing. It is causing people to not act, which resolves nothing. That’s what the criticizers want. They want nothing to be done because they either want to control everything or they want to sit back and complain. If we look into the lives of people who make a difference in the world, we will discover that all of them had critics, and all of them drowned out the noise of their critics and did the work they had to do. 

Looking throughout history, we can see those who had critics from Edison, the Wright Brothers, to even Elon Musk. They refused to listen to their critics. In order to grow and make a difference in the world, we have to not listen or even engage with our critics. They do not want us to change. Our critics are not our allies. It’s easy to sit back and criticize. It’s difficult to discover solutions to complex problems. It’s time we stop taking the easy route in life. 

We need to empower others. Empowerment means we give someone control over their own life and claiming their own rights. We need to empower other people who are doing tasks to use their talents and gifts to make a difference in the world. If we become so focused on empowering others and serving others with the gifts and talents that we have, we will not have time to criticize or listen to the criticism of others. 

Jesus empowered his disciples to spread the Gospel and make a difference in the world. He didn’t sit back and criticize them. He set an example. He then empowered them after three years. They made a large impact with the foundation of the church. The church may not be what they envisioned it to be, but we can empower others in the church with us to make that difference today because sitting back and criticizing will not benefit anyone, as it will do nothing.

We must focus on our mission. I have recognized that the people who are making an impact on the world are so focused on their mission that they do not have time to bother with the insults being thrown at them. I’m trying to get to that point in my life. It’s a process. We have to determine that God has given us our talents and gifts to use, and we must begin to use them. We must be diligent. So, we have to make our decision. We decide to criticize or to act. I choose to act. We all have the decision to make. Criticizing will lead to disputes and arguing, and nothing will be resolved. Acting will lead to change, which will create solutions to the issues our world is facing. Once the changes take place, criticizing and disputing will be useless. The choice is ours to make. 


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