Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Pen IS Mightier Than the Sword

 I have tried unsuccessfully to write what my thoughts were about the terrorist attack on the capitol of the United States of America. I was angry and ashamed that people believe that violence is the answer to all of the world’s problems. People may not like the outcome of any election, but that just means that we, as citizens, need to become better and stronger servants in our communities. Since that horrific event, I have learned that many of the people were gathered and angry because of posts on social media sites. Don’t get me wrong. I love the way social media has kept me connected to old friends and new friends, but it has also made me realize that what we write on social media can have more power than we know. 

If you have been on social media for any amount of time, you have probably offended someone and someone has offended you. I know when I hit people too hard with my words, I get frustrated with myself and try to correct the wrong. I do like to have serious conversations with my friends on social media because I have smart friends, but when I try to have a serious conversation, people bring out their pens with sharp points and begin stabbing people. I have always known that I could write my way in or out of anything. I think many people on social media think that they can too. Social media has exposed the fact that many people who feel they are not heard can spew their thoughts with a few strokes of a keyboard. 

Words are powerful. What we write can contain more power than what we say because we do not always see the intent of the words that we write. One of the reasons the Bible is powerful is because the words are written. One of the reasons the Bible is misinterpreted is because many who read it do not understand the intent or read it out of context. As Christians, we must write our social media posts so that our words have power and yet, do not bring hurt to others. We must convey the context with love. The apostles were able to do that as they wrote their letters in the Bible. They knew that the pen was stronger than any speech or sword because the written word lasts forever. 

Some Christians are upset that what they post politically is being blocked on social media sites. We have freedom of speech, but a private organization can restrict our speech. Social media websites have the freedom to restrict what we post on the Internet. We may not like the restrictions, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot exist. Every time I submit my writing, I have perimeters and restrictions.  People are suffering. They need health and help, not harm. What we write on the Internet is there forever. I have discovered that I need to be careful with what I write. 

In the Bible, James talks about our speech. He uses the metaphor of a forest fire to the words that we put out in the universe. Our words can damage people and a whole community for a very long time. Our words can also inspire and challenge people and a whole community. I think of the power of the words Martin Luther King Jr. put out and his words have inspired and changed many people. We have to choose which we are going to do. Are we going to help our hurt? 

People state that we need to speak the truth. The Bible states to speak the truth in love. Love prefers to be kind than right. Love does not belittle people or call them names. Love shows empathy and compassion. Love gives solutions. Love heals. 

I have made my word for the year 2021, “Fearless.” I want to be fearless in my writing, but I want my pen to be a mighty sword that brings healing and not harm. I know I’ll mess up and I know that I’ll have to revisit this blog for myself. I also want the church to rise up and become the leaders we need to be in America. We need to not be so concerned about politics and more concerned about how we bring Jesus to others. We can start a forest fire with our words. May we start a fire with words that are encouraging and challenging and inspiring instead of words that are burning down communities. People are reading our words. May we strike first, strike hard, and have mercy with our words that we write, so that our swords will be powerful in bringing the Gospel to the world. 

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