Sunday, October 4, 2020

We Have Been Duped


Two weeks ago, I watched the documentary, The Social Dilemma on Netflix. In that documentary, it is confirmed that we have been duped by those who crated social media sites and it has divided us as a country. I said this over five years ago before the last election. I wish I had created that documentary. People share articles, whether they are true or not, and then they create commentary. This is where they control us. They send us ads and make sure we see more posts about those issues. 

We don’t need to worry about Russia when we are harming each other. We yell and scream at those who think and believe and heaven forbid, vote differently than us. We have decided that our enemies are people that are hiding behind screens. The battle is bloody when we speak evil of one another for believing and thinking differently from us. The strange thing is the beauty of friendships and relationships is the differences in beliefs and thoughts. 

For my entire life, I have always prided myself to have my own beliefs and ideas and not let others easily persuade me. In kindergarten, all the kids told the teacher their favorite color was blue or red. Guess whose favorite color was purple. Yep, even with choosing my favorite color, I was an independent thinker. In this year of 2020, I’m beginning to wonder if compliance would be much easier. With easy comes heartache because doing what is easy is not always doing what is right. We have to do what is right, so compliance is wrong. 

The best thing we can begin to do in this time of our lives is to respect one another. We do not have to agree with one another, but we need to stop demonizing those who think differently than us. We need to understand that because of people’s experiences, they will have different beliefs and thoughts. We must realize that God has created us all with unique qualities and traits. If we all think and believe the same, we become robotic and we are easily led to do whatever any leader tells us to do, which is where social media comes into play. 

With people living online and the social media giants controlling what we do and what shows up in our feeds, we have become easily led to believe that those who think differently from us are pure evil. It is all a sham. They have duped us and it has divided us. We don’t even recognize it. We see it as normal. We see those who believe and think and vote differently from us as the enemies. They are not. Those who are trying to control us, who are in charge of the social media sites and they are succeeding at controlling us, are the enemies. 

It’s difficult to win a war when we are fighting the wrong battles and the wrong enemies. If we continue to fight against each other with how social media is controlling us, we will destroy ourselves and one another. We need to come together and not allow others to control our thoughts and beliefs. It starts with taking time to realize how much we are influenced and who or what influences us. 

Throughout my adult life, I have allowed others to control me because I thought the conflicts would end. In reality, the conflicts grew and most of the conflicts that grew were within my own soul. A few years ago, I realized that I had to become who God created me to be and be the unique person He created me to be, and not throw away what I believe. I can get along with others who think and believe differently than me because to be honest, not many people will claim purple as their favorite color. 

We can disagree. We can have discussions, but once we begin to degrade one another, we have lost. We lose our dignity, our friends, our honor, and our integrity. We need to believe in one another again. We need to take control again. May we understand that what occurs in cyberspace can become real in physical space. People are struggling during this time of confinement. Let’s encourage and build one another up. Let’s think before we post because we don’t really know the struggle someone has on the other side of the computer. May we begin to think of others more than ourselves. May we not allow the social media gurus to destroy us. It’s time we take the control back.  

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