This last week I spent time in Orlando, Florida volunteering
with a Bible quiz ministry called National Bible Bowl. Teenagers all over the
country study portions of the Bible and come together at tournaments to demonstrate
knowledge of God’s Word in a unique competition that combines memorization of
scripture and recall. The best part of this ministry is that for many of these
young people, it is the one ministry that helps develop their faith.
Faith is not built on knowledge, as we have faith in what we
cannot see, but knowledge helps build our faith. Knowledge has never saved me
from or for anything. I still do not know how the periodical table will give me
guidance in my life, but I learned it, and because I learned it, I can see how
the elements can combine and create a chemical that can help or heal. With that
knowledge, I understand that events occur that I cannot always see but because I
know how they work, I believe that they work. It makes sense to me. It’s how I have
maintained faith. The knowledge did not give me faith, but it led me to believe
in what I could not see with my physical eyes.
Last year I blogged how this Bible quiz ministry is nerdy
but very much needed in our churches. I still believe that. We need knowledge
that confirms our faith. A cliché that many say, “God said it; I believe it and
that’s it” is cute, but how inaccurate it is because many people not even know
what God said! It has taken me years in my faith journey to be consistent to
open the Bible and read it for my own. I used the Bible to study, but I have to
also use it to guide my life with my faith.
As a teacher, I know that when students have knowledge about
a subject, they are able to excel at the application of that knowledge. Many of
them have resorted to cheating when they do not know and understand. They cheat
because with a lack of knowledge they have a lack of faith in themselves and in
the system. When people lack knowledge of God’s Word, they begin to say words
and live life of how others dictate for them to live, which is cheating themselves
from a personal relationship with God. A relationship demands that we know the
other person and not just facts about the other person.
The young people and their coaches and parents in this
ministry strive to have both knowledge and a faith that requires strength. Some of the former students in this ministry
have become exceptional leaders in their churches and in their communities, and
their faith continues to become stronger. Yes, some students have made
decisions that have led them away from the church and some from God, but they
keep encountering and engaging with those of us who know them and continue to
pray for them to encounter God and rekindle a relationship with Him that joins
both knowledge and faith. This ministry builds lifelong relationships that
those who run from God cannot escape. Those who connect with those who have run
continue to pray and show love to them. It’s difficult to be mean when someone
is showing you kindness.
The church will begin to thrive as it allows those with
knowledge to show their faith and lead in areas of ministry. We are at a
crucial time in our history in the American church. We need to incorporate knowledge
into our lives along with our faith. The ministry of these Bible quiz teams may
be unique, but they are vital to the heartbeat of our churches. In this time in
our American history, we need young people who know God’s Word, love those who
they encounter and have faith because they have seen how the knowledge builds
faith. We need to KNOW God and connect God with those who need to know him.
Then, the church will begin to impact the world, and the impact the church
makes will be with the love of Jesus. Let’s begin to make that impact.
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