At a workshop with authors, one author claimed that she can
go on Twitter and not like what you say, but you better not like what she says.
Therein lies the problem. We all believe that someone must listen or read our
words, but we do not have to listen or read the words of others. We have become
arrogant with using our own words and the words of those with whom we agree and
ignorant to the words of others to whom we disagree. The reason is that words
are powerful.
I get it. We all get in the battle of words. The leaders of
our country get in battles of words and the intent of their meaning every
single day. I get in battle of words with students and vice versa. What we all
have to learn is that words are powerful, and maybe, just maybe, a whole lot
more of grace is needed with everyone. Maybe instead of arguing, we need to
listen, ponder, and be very slow to respond.
In James, it talks about being quick to listen and slow to
speak and slow to become angry. If we would be more intent on listening, then
maybe we would not allow words to penetrate us so that we silence others from
using their words. In America, we have freedom of speech. With freedom comes
responsibility. Just because we have freedom to speak, doesn’t mean we are not
accountable for what we say. How we respond to others will reveal how we listen
and how we respect others, which reveals how much we respect ourselves.
If we can allow others to use their words to get their message
heard, then others will listen to us. it’s called conversation. We need to have
more conversations and less lectures. We are taught in as teachers that
lectures are only useful when they go for about ten minutes. We have been taught
that we need to find other strategies to use to teach our content. Students tune
us out when we lecture. Adults tune out when people lecture, but in a
conversation, people listen because they are waiting for their turn to talk.
So, for that author, she has the right to write whatever
words she so desires. She can say what she desires. We have the right to read
and listen or to not read or listen. We also have the right to refute her words
with love and grace. It all comes to how we respond that reveals our love for
God, others and ourselves, and that is what is most important. Love. May we all
show more love today than we do anger and hate. It will make the world a much
better place because love and grace are two of the most powerful words that we
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