Sunday, November 4, 2018

Faith or Fear?

This week our country will vote for leaders in our government.  Our country is divided and many people live in fear because of it.  Do we fear or do we have faith?  In reality, this election in California could have a possible affect on me personally.  I don’t tweet or yell on social media.  You know why?  It’s not my job to tell you what to do.  I live by faith knowing that even if everything were to crumble, there are people who will pick up the pieces with me and create something new.  I’ve seen it before and I expect to see it again. 

When we live by fear, we imagine the worse.  When we lead by fear, we want to control others.  I have encountered very few leaders that lead by faith.  Most lead by fear.  In the church, they tell us how we are to DO things, but rarely do they tell us to BE.  Be kind.  Be compassionate.  Be forgiving.  Be loving.  Be humble.  Be passionate.  Be just.  Be truthful.  Be pure.  If we begin to become busy being all of these attributes, we will not have time to do things that lead people to do them because they fear.  It’s not just the church.  It’s in our society. 

If we are busy doing something for others, we become human beings who care and are focused more on being than on doing.  There are needs that our country has.  Are we going to just let congress tell us what to do and be, or can we step up and make a difference? Be a servant and pick up trash around the community to show love for the environment.  Be humble and help out someone in need and understand that your one act of compassion is so much more than any government official will affect that person. 

We have a choice this week to vote.  We can choose whomever we want to be our leaders.   We can choose what policies we want to put in place.  More importantly, we have a choice.  We can choose to be like Jesus or we can choose to tell others what to do to be better.  It takes faith to be and sometimes, it takes faith to do while showing that we are being.  Fear just keeps us at home or at a coffee shop tweeting or on Facebook talking about what everyone should do and how people should be.  I choose to be.  I’m choosing to be, and I will do so that others can see that my being is striving to be like Jesus.  I hope many will join me.

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