Monday, November 21, 2022

The Power of Books

 I spent this last weekend at an English teacher’s conference. While at this conference, I will receive many books for my classroom library and my own personal library. I haven’t been an English teacher all my life, but when I was returning to the classroom, it makes sense that I am teaching my passions…reading and writing. I have always devoured books my entire life. I may not read what is always popular or what others believe is spectacular literature, but I read broadly and deeply. 

Books have influenced my life. They have informed my decisions. For example, I have read Christian literature that made me think about my own choices in life with relationships. I have read and taught Frankenstein so much that I often wonder who or what is a true monster in life. That book also opened my eyes to how some people may view God. I have read nonfiction books that are in the Christian genre for growth and understanding of the Bible. I have read nonfiction business books that are also self-improvement books. I have made better decisions in my life because of those nonfiction books. 

I have read novels in which I have resonated with the main character. Some of the historical novels that I am currently reading have opened my eyes to the understanding of true history because I have been able to research the events. I also have a love for history, so I am the one buying the historical books on sale. With all of my reading, there is one book that has made the most impact on my life. 

I have read the Bible, more than once. Even as a child, I tried to read the entire Bible, although I got stuck around 1 and 2 Kings. For a kid, those books are a bit heavy. Then, when I joined my church’s Bible quiz team, I was memorizing and soaking in God’s Word everyday as a highschooler. The Bible impacted my decisions and my view of the world. I resonate with many of the characters in the Bible, especially those who were overlooked. 

As I continue to study the Bible, I realized that even though I had memorized it or had read it before, it still speaks into my life. With my Bible reading, I have discovered the love Jesus has for me and for everyone in the world. I also realized that many of the ideologies that were taught to me in the church were not Biblical but were created by human beings to monitor the lives of people in the church. That thought made me ask a question of wonder. I wondered how many people in the church, including the leaders, read the Bible for their own understanding? 

Here's my confession: I have been more consistent with reading the Bible since I left youth ministry than when I was in youth ministry. Sure, I read the Bible to prepare lessons and presentations, but my own consistent time in God’s Word was lackluster. I knew God’s Word, but instead of reading it for how God could work in my life, I only read it for how it could work in the lives of my students. With that method, I sounded great, but I wasn’t practicing what I was preaching. Once I left youth ministry, I began to practice what I preached. 

When I left youth ministry, I fell in love with God’s Word again. I began to devour it and started to read all those Christian books that I had purchased while in youth ministry. My attitude toward other people changed. I realized I cannot fix or change anyone. I can only fix or change myself. Jesus can change people. Jesus does change people. It is up to us to lead people to Jesus, not our version of who he is with our understanding of the Bible. 

If we claim to have Biblical values, we must open the Bible and read it. We must read it for how it is written and not with our blinders of our own agendas or views. We must find commentaries, dictionaries, and other helps that explain the context, so we understand what it actually says and not with our own blinders of what we have been taught all our lives. 

We must stop quoting passages or a verse here and there and then believe it ends the conversation. We must quote a passage or a verse to start the conversation. A conversation includes questions. Instead of getting frustrated when people ask us questions about the Bible, especially when it is about the confusing parts, we must answer with love. If we don’t have the answer, we let them know that we will do everything we can to find the answer. 

We must stop using the Bible as a stick to strike upon someone’s head. The Bible is a sword. It is an offensive weapon. The battle is between unseen things, not human beings to whom we are supposed to show love. As an offensive weapon, it can only be used to start and bring people into the winning side, not to defeat and just walk away with pride. When we defeat people using the Bible on social media and walk away with pride, we do not represent Jesus. we represent the Pharisees, as that is exactly how they behaved. 

Taking time to read the Bible is a process. First, we must stop with the guilt shaming. If you miss a day, then pick it up the next day. If you miss a week, pick it up the next week. The goal is not just to read it, but to infuse it into your life and allow God to speak directly to you. So, set a time that is best for you. It could be first thing in the morning, or when you get home from work, or before you go to bed, or after dinner. Whatever time that you have as natural down time in your life, use that time to meet with God in his Word. 

Where should you start? Start where you need to be. Search on Google for passages that connect with the areas in your life of which you are struggling, even with doubts in your faith. Then start with that passage or book. You can continue with that or read the books around the one that you just finished. 

Use devotionals or readings set in the Bible Apps. There are several devotionals that are free on the Internet. We don’t have room for all of the excuses. There are even guides if you want to read through the Bible on the Internet. I don’t have a problem with reading through the Bible, but if we want to dive deep into God’s Word, you must be intentional of your reading. Be intentional to read to understand. 

The more people in the church that are taking the time to read the Bible will create stronger connections with those who are outside of the church. Instead of just throwing out “Biblical thoughts,” we will have answers that God has given us. In this time of Thanksgiving, take the time to show gratefulness and begin a conversation with God by reading and listening to what he has to say. It will open your mind and heart to what you have to say to him. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Vote, Then Act

 At the most, we vote four times a year. Is that all we have to do? Do we just vote, and then go on social media and blast those who believe and vote differently than us? It seems strange to me because I see the hole. I see the gap. That’s one of my specialties. I am able to see the gaps in areas that no one wants to admit exist, but that doesn’t mean they are not there. In fact, those holes and gaps are growing larger, and they are causing most of our problems. 

It’s the gaps and holes that I want to fill because if they are not filled then nothing changes, no matter who the leaders are. We have holes and gaps in our society, and they must be filled so that change can occur in our country. Change is not a bad thing. It is a necessity for growth. We are a young country, so we should always be growing and changing. 

The first hole or gap that must be filled is the one of economic disparity. I am not one of those who blasts those who are billionaires, and those who are better not play the lottery this week. If you are a billionaire, that’s great. What I do wonder is why we, especially the church, have neglected the poor.  The church is great at responding, especially to the emergencies, or drives for the holidays. However, the church would be stronger and a beacon of light if we would act instead of reacting. 

We don’t always realize that what we do well, could benefit someone else. Do you love math? You could help guide some in our impoverished communities with a budget or help with taxes. There are centers at which you can volunteer in those areas. Do you love to cook or bake? You could work at a shelter within the food services area. You could also train others to create healthy meals. Are you in the medical field? You could donate time in a community to give basic health care. As a teacher, we need help. In our poor communities, we could use tutors to help our young people get on grade level with reading, writing, and math. 

Volunteering your time can feel incredibly invading into your life because time is short and there is not enough time to give in your life. There are other ways to volunteer. Pick one issue in which you are extremely passionate and connect with a group online and volunteer with them. It could be as small as sending out announcements in emails or sending a group text.

For people who claim that they do not have the time to volunteer, then make sure you are not wasting your time debating or arguing on social media with people you do not know about politics. That does not help. It does not change anyone’s mind. It is just someone trying to receive validation that their way of thinking is the best way of thinking, and everyone should join them in their ideas. That is not helpful. In fact, it is harmful. No one is going to change their minds politically because of our social media posts. Doing a small act of kindness could create an incredible ripple effect of that act creating in someone else doing a small act of kindness, and then it continues to someone else. 

Being active in serving the community always trumps voting because it validates the vote that you are giving. Besides, people will not remember you for how you voted. They will remember how you treated them. Our society has become so polluted with hatred toward those who think and believe differently than us. This has harmed the church because people believe that we hate those who think and believe differently than us. We don’t. We may not agree with the actions of stealing or murder, but we accept you for your different beliefs and thoughts. 

When I was in youth ministry, I recognized a phenomenon with our growth in numbers. Our ministry thrived and grew numerically when we had unity. The moment a mole came in our group and began division, we began to disseminate. When we were united, everyone was willing and even volunteered to serve in various spaces. Being united wasn’t about the fact we all believed the same. Our unity came when we accepted and genuinely cared for everyone who walked into the room. Imagine that occurring in our churches and our country. 

Voting is powerful, but maybe with our vote we need to serve. Along with our serving, we need to unite with those who think and believe differently than us. Power doesn’t come with one small act. It comes with many small acts that make the vote actually work. We are powerless when we insult those who are different from us. We are powerful when we empower those who need it. We need more actions with our voting and less arguing.  We need more love and less hatred. Imagine the world we would wake up in with one in which people accepted one another instead of rejecting one another. You just might have a world in which the politicians have to do their jobs and fulfill their promises. Now that would be a powerful shift!