Sunday, February 10, 2019

Two Commands and THREE Loves

One of my students with special needs gave the best comment I think I’ve ever heard about Valentine’s Day.  She stated she is the “Valentine’s Day Grinch.”  As much as I thought it was funny, I also realize that we have created a day that we believe that love comes from external sources only and that we only love externally.  It was in a mind-blowing message a few years ago from my pastor that made me understand that I had misread and misunderstood a passage my whole life. 

An expert in the law tested Jesus with the question of what was the greatest commandment.  It’s interesting to note that the person testing Jesus is an expert in the law.  Jesus’s answer is connected more with an expert in love.

Jesus answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Matthew 22:37-38 (NIV) Once I was taught that passage, all the religious leaders and experts in my life told me that the two greatest commands are to love God and to love others.  They were partially correct.  As my leaders had great intentions, and probably passed on what they were taught, Erwin McManus revealed a slight miss that they all made.  Yes, there are two commandments, but it’s THREE loves.  Love God.  Love others, as you love YOURSELF.  It states it right there.  Love your neighbor AS YOURSELF.  You must love others just as you love yourself; therefore, we must do a better job at loving ourselves in order to love others better.  To love yourself is not arrogant or to think that you are the greatest, but to have a genuine love for who you are and who God has created you to be. 

Loving yourself requires you to see the best in yourself.  It means allowing the right voices to speak truth and life into you.  Those right voices can be hard to hear because all of the wrong voices scream louder.  It takes discernment to move away from the loud obnoxious voices that keep telling you are not good enough or that you will never achieve the greatness.  It’s the obscure voices that rarely speak that may be the ones that have the most weight and volume.  The right voices will tell you that you can achieve what you have set out to do.  The right voices will stand there with you during the storms and the victories.  The wrong voices laugh, mock, and scorn during the storms and are usually silent during the victories. 

God created us.  I know some people believe we came from nothing, but in order to love myself, I have to believe that I am created.  Creativity surrounds us. Creativity is seen in the beauty in nature; it is seen in the creation of formulas and chemicals that can cure diseases; it is in business to create a plan to create a product everyone wants to buy.   Since creativity surrounds us, we are all part of the creation and we must use our gifts and talents, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem, to complete the beautiful picture.  It’s like a puzzle missing the piece when we don’t love ourselves because our creativity is needed in order for the world to be beautiful.

Love who you are, even with all your flaws, mistakes, and sins.  See the good inside of you and the beauty that you have yet to share with the world.  Love yourself for all of your accomplishments, even if they are so small, like turning off the television to go to bed or read a book.  Wake up every day to a new dawn.  Every day is an opportunity not to be missed.  Every moment we live is a new opportunity. We must press on after our mistakes and our achievements.  It’s self-love.  It might have to start with self-care.  Care for yourself.  Take time to rest.  Take time to reflect.  Take time to allow others to speak life into you.  Then, when you are refreshed, the love you have for yourself will shine and reflect on those around you and that love will spread and you will be able to follow the two greatest commandments.  Three loves.  Love God.  Love others.  Love yourself.   

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