Nerds for Jesus
For the past couple of summers I have explained to people what
I am doing for the summer. I tell
people that I volunteer my time with the nerdiest group of people. They laugh but I have their interest. I then explain that I volunteer with a Bible
quiz ministry and friends who are both Christian and non-Christian are
impressed. This ministry is more than a
quiz game. It encompasses friendships
that lasts a lifetime, and for some of us, it is a church outside of the four
walls of the churches we attend.
Teenagers all over America study a certain text for the
entire school year and memorize it word for word. Some memorize it better than others, but they
know more than most people on staff in churches. If this ministry were just about memorizing
and knowledge, it wouldn’t be great. It
is so much more than that, and maybe that is what has it thriving in the last
few years.
Before I entered my freshmen year of high school, I made a
commitment. I would no longer be
invisible at school and church. I would
find a way to the beer parties, (Of course I thought I would not drink…um,
yeah, that wouldn’t have lasted long.) and become part of the popular crowd at
school and church, seeing how many of my church friends participated in those
beer parties. That summer at church
camp, a girl encouraged me to join a Bible quiz team. I wasn’t sold until she said that this is a
ministry in which we get to travel. That
sold me. The travelling got me in, but
the friendships that I made and still have to this day thirty years later and
the knowledge and understanding of the Bible are what held me in this ministry,
in the church, and in the faith of Christ.
This last week I observed teenagers serving others not to
get accolades, but because they wanted to have others see Jesus. Even the team that won Nationals, went around
and cleaned all the classrooms we used for the week to burn off nervous energy
before playing in the championship game.
For that, I’m extremely grateful because it was one less thing that the
volunteers had to do when everyone left.
These young people are passionate, gracious, kind, and goofy. They are teenagers, so I know some of their
coaches will question how they survive, but in the end, they can see the fruit
of all their hard work.
People in this ministry may enjoy studying, reading, and
memorizing, but they really enjoy God’s presence most. I heard it in their prayers. In their
prayers, they just talked to God. I observed it in their friendships,
conversations, and service. When you are in God’s Word, His word resonates in
all aspects of your life. They have
embodied Psalm 119:11, “Your Word I have treasured in my heart, that I might
not sin against you.” With an
understanding of God’s Word, they are able to conquer mountains that stand in
their way. It is my hope and prayer that
they will know and see that any mountain can be conquered with God.
In the world of business, the nerds rule the world. Maybe, in the church, it is the same. If more leaders in the church could know and
understand what these young people know and understand in the Bible, maybe our
churches would not be struggling today to gain respect. We can learn from young people. They teach me all the time. These young people have humility, grace,
faith, and strive to learn more about the Bible. These aspects would guide our churches to be
strong and healthy. Nerds need to lead our churches. Congratulations to all of
the teams of the 2017-2018 season of National Bible Bowl. May we all be nerds and study the Word of God
so that it is not misused. Maybe it
isn’t nerdy, but it is worthy. Maybe we
all need to serve and show God’s grace no matter what our occupation or our
role in life. Maybe just maybe, the
church can look at who is invisible and see the visibility of Christ.